Brackstedter Mühle - the history of our house

A glamorous story ...

Die Brackstedter Mühle um 1900

Data & Facts

  • from 1434 watermill in Brackstedt
  • from 1911 operating as a coffee garden
  • from 1913 Licensed restaurant with gardening
  • from 1936 acquisition of the house by Willi and Elisabeth Schulze and thus in family possession
  • 1956 Construction of the first guest room
  • 1965 Expansion of the guest rooms, construction of the 1st bowling alley
  • 1972 Continuation of the restaurant of Hans-Willhelm Schulze after the death of his father
  • 1979 loft conversion, 9 new rooms, now a total of 20 rooms
  • 1982 Takeover of the business by Heide Streicher after the death of her brother Hans-Willhelm
  • 1982/83 restoration and extension to the hotel, now 32 rooms with 48 beds, new bowling alley and new entrance area
  • 1988 Hall extension or new building
  • 1990/91 hotel extension to 46 rooms with 75 beds, new hotel entrance and conservatory
  • 1993 Construction of the mill yard with its pavilions
  • 1994 Expansion of the Allerterrasse with Brückensteg and children's playground
  • 1995 Renovation of the beer hall
  • 1996 Expansion of the hotel wing by a further four rooms, transformation of the company into an BetriebsGmbH after the death of Heide Streicher, continuation of the business by Jürgen Othmer
  • 1997 Entry of the GmbH into the commercial register and renovation of the attic room, 90th birthday of "company founder" Elisabeth Schulze
  • 1998 Entry of the next generation with Elmar and Christiane Schuster (born Streicher), new building of the lobby and reception
  • 1999 Extension to the "Heidestube"
  • 2001 Cultivation of the "Versnuuv-Stuuv", a panorama sauna with fitness area, whirlpools, steam bath, solarium and roof terrace
  • 2007 cancellation of the GmbH and entry in the commercial register as e.K.
  • The first "Brackstedter mill market" takes place
  • 2009/2010 Complete deconstruction and redesign of 6 hotel rooms and bathrooms
  • 2011 Great anniversary celebrations "100th anniversary of gastronomy & 75 years of family ownership"
  • 2014 Renovation of almost all old-fashioned bicycles and extension of two new junior suites
  • 2015 redesign of the courtyard and entrance area in the course of the implementation of the fire protection concept
Die Brackstedter Mühle um 1827
Die Brackstedter Mühle im Jahre 1900

Little anecdotes about the Brackstedter Mühle

The pastor's meal in the mill

Brackstedt - anno 1879 - The Vorsfelder Pastor and the Rector of the Vorsfelder Schule had to get bread grain and buckwheat every year from the villages in the parish. Around Michaelis they both set out and received the corn in the villages, on the first day in Kästorf, Warmenau, Brackstedt and Velstove, the next day in the villages towards Rühen.

The collection was done in Brackstedt at noon. It is said, "Against this that this is done, it is noon, and must be the miller in Brackstedt, instead of the grain, the pastor, and his own, and the waggons, and other people, and the rector with his men and waggons, with free beer that they bring for themselves and him, each half, give a meal. - If it is consumed, then the journey goes to Velstove ... "

When this privilege was to be replaced in 1879, the value of meals, which indeed served as the basis for the calculation of the transfer fee, was completely disagreed. The government, in ignorance of the circumstances, could only help indirectly by naming the usual prices for meals of varying degrees of richness.

After that cost:

- a breakfast consisting of butter, bread and brandy = 3 Groschen (about 15 cent)

- also from bread, butter, cheese and brandy = 3 Groschen 9 Pfennig (about 20 cent)

- a meal consisting of soup, vegetables and meat together with bread and butter = 4 Groschen (about 20 cent)

- as well as roast = 6 Groschen (about 30 cent)

- as well as rice porridge and tobacco = 8 Groschen (about 40 cent)

- a snack = 1 Groschen (about 5 cent)

With this decision aid, after all, an agreement could be reached with regard to the food. The amount of the transfer fee should be ten marks per fed person, only one was on the number of people still different opinion. Pastor and Rector claimed that it was seven with their companions and carters, while Muller Schulze considered five to be correct. The pastor now proposed to agree on six, but the miller insisted on his point of view. The outcome of the dispute is unknown, the incident was not found.

History and remarks to the mill Brackstedt

Brackstedt - Müller Claus Hans (1670) does not belong to the row of mill owners. Here the author made a mistake. The usual spelling, such. "Müller / Claus, Hans", however, misleads to a false interpretation. It is true: This man was not a miller, but was called so by family names. His first name was Hans and he live on the Clausen Hof (probably the Vollkothof No. ass. 10). Müller called Claus, Hans.

Father of the mentioned in the book Peter Müller (1619-1689) was Günter Möller. Kirchenbuch Vorsfelde: Buried the 21.4.1665, Günter Möller, the old Möller to Brackstedt. Peter was the eldest son. There was one younger, named Andreas, and three daughters, one of whom married a Burköter (= Goes) in Brackstedt. The other two were married to Peter Nieper in Croya and Henning Pape in Hoitlingen. Peter married in 1647 (marriage contract of autumn 1647, 21 Alt Bd. 1115) Irmgard Thiele, daughter of Peter Thiele from Hoitlingen. The couple lived in Hoitlingen in 1655 and took over the mill in Brackstedt with Recess of June 1655 (21 alt. 1115). A few months earlier (transfer contract of 6.2.1655, 21 Alt Bd. 1115, p. 235), the father Günter Möller had intended his younger son Andreas.

Contrary to this agreement, it was agreed in a new contract (21 Alt Bd. 1115, p. 237) in June 1655 on the acquisition of the mill by Peter. Andreas now only received a compensation. On June 12, 1729, the miller Joachim Möller died in the Brackstedter mill at the age of 30 years. He left a wife and 3 children aged 4, 7 and 9 years. His widow Anna Catharina born. Niemann married in his second marriage on 7.2.1730 Henning Andreas Gade, a miller's son from Heiligendorf, who until then had worked as a miller's lad in the Brackstedter mill. [Nbsp]

For this marriage a marriage contract was created on 28.1.1730 at the noble court Wolfsburg (WF 21 alt. Volume 1117). Gade is used for 18 years as interim administrator of the mill. After that, the children from the wife's first marriage should take on the inheritance. That is probably what happened, because Gade worked in 1757 in the Schiller mill in Hesslingen.


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Zum Kühlen Grunde 2 · 38448 Wolfsburg
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