Hotel & Restaurant Brackstedter Mühle
Directions & Location

Hotel & Restaurant Brackstedter Mühle

Zum Kühlen Grunde 2 · 38448 Wolfsburg

Telefon: +49 (0) 5366 90-0
Telefax: +49 (0) 5366 90-50

Arrival by car:

Autobahn A 2 to crossing Wolfsburg/Königslutter, use Autobahn A 39 to the end, and follow the road to Tappenbeck- Jembke. In Jembke go right at the church in direction Brackstedt. In 800 m you will see the Brackstedter Mühle right hand side between Jembke and Brackstedt.

Arrival by train:

Take the train (ICE is possible) to Wolfsburg. To use a taxi will be the easiest way to come to the Brackstedter Mühle. Alternativ take the bus 212 to Brackstedt, get out at the bus stop "Zum Badekoth", now it is a 800 m walk to the Brackstedter Mühle.

Arrival by plane:

From the airport Hannover take a public line to the Hannover main station and take the train to Wolfsburg. Here you can go by taxi to the Brackstedter Mühle. These are only round about 8 km.

Alternativ take the bus 212 to Brackstedt, get out at the bus stop "Zum Badekoth", now it is a 800 m walk to the Brackstedter Mühle.

120 free hotel parking places! And coach park.


8.0 km
6.0 km
3.0 km
7.3 km
8.2 km
8.3 km
Gallery Wolfsburg
8.0 km
Golfclub Wolfsburg
7.1 km
Art Museum Wolfsburg
9.2 km
Planetarium Wolfsburg
10.0 km
Mill Museum
22.2 km
36.8 km
Airport Hannover
90.0 km

Route planning

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© 2025 Hotel & Restaurant Brackstedter Mühle
Zum Kühlen Grunde 2 · 38448 Wolfsburg
Telefon (0 53 66) 90-0
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